vmecpp package¶
- class vmecpp.JxBOut(**data)¶
- Parameters:
data (
- amaxfor: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- aminfor: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- avforce: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- bdotb: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- bdotgradv: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- bdotk: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- bsubs3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- bsubu3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_half nZnT']¶
- bsubv3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_half nZnT']¶
- bsupu3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- bsupv3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- itheta: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- izeta: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- jcrossb: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- jdotb: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- jdotb_sqrtg: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- jpar2: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- jperp2: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- jsups3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_half nZnT']¶
- jsupu3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- jsupv3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- jxb_gradp: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid'}¶
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- phin: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- pprim: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- sqrtg3: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'num_full nZnT']¶
- class vmecpp.Mercier(**data)¶
- Parameters:
data (
- DMerc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- Dcurr: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- Dgeod: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- Dshear: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- Dwell: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- d_pressure_d_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- d_toroidal_current_d_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- d_volume_d_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- iota: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid'}¶
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- pressure: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- shear: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- toroidal_current: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- toroidal_flux: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- well: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- class vmecpp.Threed1Volumetrics(**data)¶
- Parameters:
data (
- avg_bpol: float¶
- avg_btor: float¶
- avg_ekin: float¶
- avg_modb: float¶
- avg_p: float¶
- int_bpol: float¶
- int_btor: float¶
- int_ekin: float¶
- int_modb: float¶
- int_p: float¶
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'extra': 'forbid'}¶
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- class vmecpp.VmecInput(**data)¶
The input to a VMEC++ run. Contains settings as well as the definition of the plasma boundary.
Python equivalent of a VMEC++ JSON input file or a classic INDATA file (e.g. “input.best”).
Deserialize from JSON and serialize to JSON using the usual pydantic methods: model_validate_json and model_dump_json.
- Parameters:
data (
- ac: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ac_len']¶
Enclosed toroidal current profile coefficients.
- ac_aux_f: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ac_aux_len']¶
values at knots
- Type:
Spline toroidal current profile
- ac_aux_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ac_aux_len']¶
knot locations in s
- Type:
Spline toroidal current profile
- ai: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ai_len']¶
Iota profile coefficients.
- ai_aux_f: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ai_aux_len']¶
values at knots
- Type:
Spline iota profile
- ai_aux_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ai_aux_len']¶
knot locations in s
- Type:
Spline iota profile
- am: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' am_len']¶
Mass/pressure profile coefficients.
- am_aux_f: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' am_aux_len']¶
values at knots
- Type:
Spline mass/pressure profile
- am_aux_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' am_aux_len']¶
knot locations in s
- Type:
Spline mass/pressure profile
- aphi: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' aphi_len']¶
Radial flux zoning profile coefficients.
- bloat: float¶
Bloating factor (for constrained toroidal current)
- curtor: float¶
Toroidal current in A.
- delt: float¶
Initial value for artificial time step in iterative solver.
- extcur: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' extcur_len']¶
Coil currents in A.
- static from_file(input_file)¶
Build a VmecInput from either a VMEC++ JSON input file or a classic INDATA file.
- ftol_array: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' num_grids']¶
Requested force tolerance for convergence per multigrid step.
- gamma: float¶
Adiabatic index.
- lasym: bool¶
Flag to indicate non-stellarator-symmetry.
- lforbal: bool¶
directly compute innermost flux surface geometry from radial force balance
- Type:
- lfreeb: bool¶
Flag to indicate free-boundary.
- mgrid_file: str¶
Full path for vacuum Green’s function data.
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'ser_json_inf_nan': 'strings'}¶
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- mpol: int¶
Number of poloidal Fourier harmonics; m = 0, 1, …, (mpol-1)
- ncurr: int¶
- Type:
Select constraint on iota or enclosed toroidal current profiles 0
- Type:
constrained-iota; 1
- nfp: int¶
Number of toroidal field periods (=1 for Tokamak)
- niter_array: jt.Int[np.ndarray, ' num_grids']¶
Maximum number of iterations per multigrid step.
- ns_array: jt.Int[np.ndarray, ' num_grids']¶
Number of flux surfaces per multigrid step.
- nstep: int¶
Printout interval.
- ntheta: int¶
is rounded to next smaller even number.
- Type:
Number of poloidal grid points; if odd
- ntor: int¶
Number of toroidal Fourier harmonics; n = -ntor, -ntor+1, …, -1, 0, 1, …, ntor-1, ntor.
- nvacskip: int¶
Number of iterations between full vacuum calculations.
- nzeta: int¶
Number of toroidal grid points; must match nzeta of mgrid file if using free- boundary.
- pcurr_type: str¶
Parametrization of toroidal current profile.
- phiedge: float¶
Total enclosed toroidal magnetic flux in Vs == Wb.
- piota_type: str¶
Parametrization of iota profile.
- pmass_type: str¶
Parametrization of mass/pressure profile.
- pres_scale: float¶
Global scaling factor for mass/pressure profile.
- raxis_c: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ntor_plus_1']¶
Magnetic axis coefficients for R ~ cos(n*v); stellarator-symmetric.
- raxis_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ntor_plus_1']¶
Magnetic axis coefficients for R ~ sin(n*v); non-stellarator-symmetric.
- rbc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' mpol two_ntor_plus_one']¶
Boundary coefficients for R ~ cos(m*u - n*v); stellarator-symmetric
- rbs: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' mpol two_ntor_plus_one']¶
Boundary coefficients for R ~ sin(m*u - n*v); non-stellarator-symmetric
- spres_ped: float¶
Location of pressure pedestal in s.
- tcon0: float¶
Constraint force scaling factor for ns –> 0.
- zaxis_c: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ntor_plus_1']¶
Magnetic axis coefficients for Z ~ cos(n*v); non-stellarator-symmetric.
- zaxis_s: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' ntor_plus_1']¶
Magnetic axis coefficients for Z ~ sin(n*v); stellarator-symmetric.
- zbc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' mpol two_ntor_plus_one']¶
Boundary coefficients for Z ~ cos(m*u - n*v); non-stellarator-symmetric
- zbs: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' mpol two_ntor_plus_one']¶
Boundary coefficients for Z ~ sin(m*u - n*v); stellarator-symmetric
- class vmecpp.VmecOutput(**data)¶
Container for the full output of a VMEC run.
- Parameters:
data (
- input: VmecInput¶
The input to the VMEC run that produced this output.
- jxbout: JxBOut¶
Python equivalent of VMEC’s “jxbout” file.
- mercier: Mercier¶
Python equivalent of VMEC’s “mercier” file.
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}¶
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- threed1_volumetrics: Threed1Volumetrics¶
Python equivalent of VMEC’s volumetrics section in the “threed1” file.
- wout: VmecWOut¶
Python equivalent of VMEC’s “wout” file.
- class vmecpp.VmecWOut(**data)¶
Python equivalent of a VMEC “wout file”.
VmecWOut exposes the layout that SIMSOPT expects. The save method produces a NetCDF file compatible with SIMSOPT/Fortran VMEC.
- Parameters:
data (
- Aminor_p: float¶
- DCurr: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- DGeod: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- DMerc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- DShear: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- DWell: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- IonLarmor: float¶
- Rmajor_p: float¶
- aspect: float¶
- b0: float¶
- bdotgradv: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- beta_vol: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- betapol: float¶
- betator: float¶
- betatotal: float¶
- betaxis: float¶
- bmnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- bsubsmns: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- bsubumnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- bsubvmnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- bsupumnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- bsupvmnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- buco: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- bvco: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- chi: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- chipf: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- ctor: float¶
- equif: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- fsql: float¶
- fsqr: float¶
- fsqz: float¶
- ftolv: float¶
- gamma: float¶
- gmnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- ier_flag: int¶
- iotaf: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- iotas: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- jcuru: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- jcurv: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- jdotb: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- lasym: bool¶
- property lasym__logical__¶
This is how the attribute is called in the Fortran wout file.
- lfreeb: bool¶
- property lfreeb__logical__¶
This is how the attribute is called in the Fortran wout file.
- lmns: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'mnmax n_surfaces']¶
- lmns_full: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'mnmax n_surfaces']¶
- mass: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- mgrid_file: str¶
- mnmax: int¶
- mnmax_nyq: int¶
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'forbid'}¶
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- mpol: int¶
- nfp: int¶
- niter: int¶
- ns: int¶
- ntor: int¶
- over_r: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- pcurr_type: str¶
- phi: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- phipf: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- phips: jt.Float[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- piota_type: str¶
- pmass_type: str¶
- pres: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- presf: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- q_factor: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- raxis_cc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- rbtor: float¶
- rbtor0: float¶
- rmax_surf: float¶
- rmin_surf: float¶
- rmnc: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- save(out_path)¶
Save contents in NetCDF3 format.
This is the format used by Fortran VMEC implementations and the one expected by SIMSOPT.
- signgs: int¶
- specw: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- version_: float¶
- volavgB: float¶
- volume: float¶
- property volume_p¶
The attribute is called volume_p in the Fortran wout file, while simsopt.mhd.Vmec.wout uses volume.
We expose both.
- vp: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- wb: float¶
- wp: float¶
- xm: jt.Int[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- xm_nyq: jt.Int[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- xn: jt.Int[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- xn_nyq: jt.Int[np.ndarray, ' dim1']¶
- zaxis_cs: jt.Float[np.ndarray, '...']¶
- zmax_surf: float¶
- zmns: jt.Float[np.ndarray, 'dim1 dim2']¶
- vmecpp.run(input, max_threads=None, verbose=True, restart_from=None)¶
Run VMEC++ using the provided input.
- Parameters:
input (
) – a VmecInput instance, corresponding to the contents of a classic VMEC input filemax_threads (
]) – maximum number of threads that VMEC++ should spawn. The actual number might still be lower that this in case there are too few flux surfaces to keep these many threads busy. If None, a number of threads equal to the number of logical cores is used.verbose (
) – if True, VMEC++ logs its progress to standard output.restart_from (
]) – if present, VMEC++ is initialized using the converged equilibrium from the provided VmecOutput. This can dramatically decrease the number of iterations to convergence when running VMEC++ on a configuration that is very similar to the restart_from equilibrium.
- Return type:
- vmecpp.simsopt_compat module